Hello Blog world, as my profile would have previously stated my name is Ciara Danielle Power, I was born on the 29.07.1995 incase you were wandering. I am currently attending St Peters Lutheran College in grade 11. Considering this meant to be about me, I will write a few things that I love. Music is my life, I could spend hours easily listing all the bands that I love, but I wont bore you. I love to sing. I don’t know what, but something in singing just makes everything more joyful and the world easier to face. I have also recently discovered a newfound love for reading. Actually I must admit that it’s ironically funny that the last Harry Potter movie has just come out and yet, I have just picked up the first book. I love English, more importantly though; I love my English teacher (and no I am not writing this because she will most likely read this). English, in my opinion and I’m sure many others, is extremely important so I feel it is of high importance to excel in the subject, after all how would communicate and write books and create movies-the list is endless.  I think I will wrap this up, I hope you have enjoyed reading the 200 words or so about myself.


I felt this quote by Albert Einstein suited. Smart man he was.

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